04 October 2011

A sunny, blue sky sort-of-day...

Tuesday's come extra early for me.  I meet two friends, Lori and Tatem at Panera at 6am.  We have been doing this for almost a year (and have only missed a handful of meetings...okay maybe 2 handfuls...;))  It is always an adventure to see what God has for me at 6am.  I have come to enjoy and value the quiet that is present before the rest of the world wakes up.  It really is interesting to watch the city and the university 'wake up'.  Not to mention that sunrises this time of year are lovely.

Today I am remembering to find the good in the little things in life that cross our paths.  I am opening my eyes and looking around to see the little things that we overlook in everyday life that are pivotal to our existence and enjoyment.  The little things like:  parking lot lines, eyes to see, music that transports us, creativity of the human race, hot coffee after lunch in a cold office, sunshine, computers and Internet, office mates, headphones that block out distractions, desktop lamps, scarves and jackets, the briskness of a fall morning, a smile on the face of a passerby, hearing the voice of someone you love and who you know loves you.

There are just some things that make this life so much more enjoyable.  Those are a few of the things that I'm looking for in my day.  What about you?

 blue skies.


22 September 2011

The Aftermath

So, the project that I have been working on since July at work is finally over.  I cannot express to you how glad that I am that we are in wrap up mode.  I can now begin the new fiscal year...it started July 1, but I haven't had a chance to actually start it in my files.  I now have time to spend catching up with friends that I have not talked to in a few months.  I have time to finish cutting up my stack of magazines.

I have time to invest in my relationship.  I am so thankful for the amount of patience and understanding that God has given Alan.  He has been steady and present in the past few months, even though I have not been.  I am grateful for his ability to make me laugh, to keep me grounded, and to support and encourage me in the midst of chaos at work.  He was even at the event.  And he has celebrated having me back since then.  I value his friendship and his heart for others more than he will ever know.

The event was a success.  CNU has begun the celebration for our 50th Anniversary.  The main event this past weekend was a Gala Celebration on Sunday evening for 800+ people.  (That's Alan and I on stage beside the 11 foot tall birthday cake after the event is over).  It was amazing to see months of hardwork pay off.  Only by the grace of God was I able to get everything done.  It was a wonderful accomplishment to pull that event off.  There were so many hands and feet involved and without every single one we would not have been able to do it.  I am thankful for the competent, capable people that God has surrounded me with at work.  I enjoy my job and am looking forward to the next event.

God really does work in mysterious ways.  He is faithful and just to meet our needs in his perfect timing.  I am so thankful to have been raised in a home where everything else in life fell in line after God.  He is my sustainer and my provider.  He never leaves me nor forsakes me.  He is my PEACE in the midst of the storm.

All of it, my life, my relationship, my job(s)...all Soli Deo Gloria.

so FREE...I'm ready for it


10 May 2011

Keep on Pressing On

Today is a bittersweet day for me.  Happy Boo, my grandmother, died this morning.  She is with Jesus now.  He has said "Well done, my good and faithful servant."  She is no longer in pain.  She is no longer suffering.  She is dancing and worshiping with the angels. 

God is faithful.  Despite difficult situations and circumstances He is faithful to see us through.  He is faithful to draw us to himself and to comfort our souls.  He is consistently watching over us and looking out for us.  He is ordering our steps and making plans and arrangements for our lives that we do not even know about yet.  He is in control. 

I am so thankful to be a part of a family that believes in Him.  God is our all sustaining power.  He provides the energy and everything that we need to survive.  He is our provider.  He is our victory.  He is our healing.  He is our refuge.  He is my provider.  He is my victory.  He is my healing.  He is my refuge. 
He is my comfort and my strength.  He is my portion.  He loves me with a love that I will never in my whole life be able to fully comprehend. 

Thank you Jesus, for the life that Happy Boo lived.  Thank you for the contribution that she made to my life.  Thank you for the time that I was privileged to spend with her.  

Jesus, I love you.  Thank you. 

FREE.  to cry tears of joy, mourning, and healing. 

24 March 2011

My spirit is tender...

So...Hi!  Right now, I am actively procrastinating.  I am supposed to be spending the evening doing laundry and working on my grad school application for Regent University's Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership.  However, in the two hours since I've been home, I have only filled out my transcript request forms for CNU and UR, again.  (The first time I requested transcripts, I decided not to read the directions from Regent...oops.) 

I don't know why I have so much trouble applying myself sometimes.  Probably because I have a subconscious block.  Oh well, it will get done. 

Since I'm on here I will give you a brief (yeah right, nothing that I write is brief :) ) update...

I am still working in the Department of Alumni Relations and University Events at CNU.  Commencement is fast approaching and so we are working on those upcoming events, as well as planning for CNU's 50th Anniversary that we will begin celebrating in the fall.  There is lots to do and lots of excitement on campus.  There are buildings that are being completed, and talk of the next project to break ground on. 

This time of year always makes me wonder, as the world blooms and awakens, what is God growing and awakening in me and in those around me.  I am a little sad this year.  I have friends that are growing up and will be moving on and some that will be staying around, just in a different capacity.  My sadness is not because of the transition, but because I am acutely aware of the passing of time.  This June is my 10yr high school reunion (that I am supposed to be planning.... :/ ) and I have been at or around CNU for 9 of those 10yrs.  I'm not so young anymore.  In fact, it continuously amazes me sometimes when I realize over and over again that one of our interns is 10years younger than me.  When I was a freshman in college, she was in third grade. 

Now, I know that I am not that old and I'm not saying that I am, I 'm just saying that I am aware of the years passing like I never have been before. 

On a different note, I am 32 days into a 100day journey with God.  This 100day journey concept came about when I was at home over winter break (yes, I get a winter break...one of the perks of working at a state university), when I found out about one of my parents friends who had done 100 Days of Inspiration.  The thought intrigued me.  And then in January, I was talking to one of my friends and he was praying about giving up alcohol for 100days.  So, the 100day concept came up again.  I thought it was a cool idea, but just kind of shrugged it off.  I did not think that I would be able to commit to anything like that.  

Over the next few weeks, the thought of 100days kept coming up in my mind.  In January I was asked to help with worship for a youth retreat at our church in February.  I said yes, thinking that I would just be singing and showing up for practice and the retreat, like I had done before.  However, God has a sense of humor.  As time passed and the retreat drew closer, I became aware of the reality that I was responsible for not only assembling the people to lead worship, but also with coming up with the set lists.  That's right lists...as in 5 different sets over 2 days.  Now, had I known an established worship group that would not have been a problem, but I just had random people who I knew loved Jesus and loved worship and had various talents--vocal and instrumental.  Needless to say, God made his presence known leading up to the Retreat.  He placed songs in my path and on my heart and he orchestrated for one of my friends to play guitar with us on Friday night.  And get this, it was only her second time playing in public.  God is good.  He was with us through that entire process and he broke me in that process.  I am very used to singing in front of people.  And doing it without preparation.  God knew that I needed to dig in.  He knew that I needed to be in a place of leadership with doing worship for the retreat because that was the only way that He was going to get my attention.  Arranging a group, choosing music, scheduling and holding practice, and then leading it all on stage....all things that are completely out of my comfort zone.  Way outside of my comfort zone, but the reality is that my God is bigger than my comfort zone.  He knew that I would run to him in the process of that preparation.  He knew that I knew that I was incapable of doing it on my own.  And he spoke to me and ministered to me in the process. 

During that weekend God revealed his plan for my 100day journey...focus: on who God is, while journeying through the Psalms and using the creativity and love for hands on to create daily.  My 100days began on Monday, February 21 (exactly one week after I turned 28) and will end on Tuesday, May 31 (the last day of my contract at CNU for the 2010-2011 school year----not a coincidence).  He has continually revealed himself to me throughout these past thirty two days.  He is showing me piece by piece, sometimes moment by moment, who it is that he has created me to be.  I am learning and growing and he is shaping me into the woman that he wants me to be and it is so sweet.  He has been so merciful and gracious in my life and I am thankful beyond words. 

Some days, I find myself in tears for no obvious reason at all, then that He is speaking to my heart and tears are my physical response.  This morning our admin assistant (Kim) came in (we share an office) and I was sniffling.  She asked if I was crying or if my nose was running.  I honestly answered that it was a little bit of both.  You see, this morning I was not feeling so well when I woke up.  I did not go workout before work like I usually would, I just took my time and went into work.  Right before Kim got there, I check my facebook and saw that I had a message from a friend who is traveling in South America.  His message was simple, it just said that he had thought of me this morning, he asked how I was and shared that He is great. And that the freedom that he is experiencing is phenomenal!  Now, let me say this, this friend is the one who mentioned to me that he was going to be giving up alcohol for 100days and he is one of the ones who helped to plant the seed for this 100day journey in my head.  God works full circle even when we don't see it. 

I am daily amazed at how mighty, awesome, gentle and loving my God is.  He is present all day, every day.  And he loves me despite my mess. 

I am thoroughly enjoying this journey and I look forward to what God has for me as I press on.  I welcome questions, comments, prayer requests and prayer for me.  I would love to make time to get together to find out what God is doing in your life.  He is moving.  Open your eyes and look for Him.

Soli Deo Gloria.

 (in an ocean of happy tears)


24 January 2011


So, as I sit in my office at work waiting for 5 o'clock to arrive, I realize that my day has been spent primarily on internet investigation.  By that I mean that I have been perusing websites...of photographers, of shirt makers, of newly engaged couples, of designers, etc...  I am in the process of trying to figure out how to launch my umbrella business...so that I can be successful doing the things that I love.  What do I mean by being successful you ask.  I mean having enough that I am not worried or better put, caught up in making sure that ends meet each month.  I mean enjoying what I do everyday and giving back to the people around me.  

Why do I bring all of this up in a blog entitled "2011...WOW"?  Because this is the year to make it happen.  I have dabbled in it all for several years now and its just time.  Afterall, my first wedding was 4 years ago and I worked in coffee shops for 6 years before and during college and I have loved making things for other people since I was little and for some reason, that I have yet to put my finger on people seem to like my sense of style and want me to dress them....so...all of that taken in to consideration, I am ready.  I am done getting in my own way.  I need to do this.  For me.  And for God's glory.  Don't get me wrong, I know that He will use me wherever he puts me, but I would love to use the talents and gifts that I love to use to further the Kingdom.  

It has been refreshing to look at the different ways that people do things differently.  (Yes, I meant to say it that way.)  I thoroughly enjoy the differences that make us unique individuals.  I look forward to cultivating those differences in myself and in other people as I continue developing and learning about who God has created me to be.  I look forward to the challenges (I may not be happy that I said that later in the year...) and the triumphs that 2011 will bring.  I know that God is in complete and total control, but that I also have to get off of my behind and do some work.  I look forward to that as well.  

My dad is reading a book that talks about the flattening of the earth and how much technology is uniting us worldwide.  In what he has read, he mentioned to me that the thing that is making things so much more interesting now, is that the big difference between people doing things and machines doing things is creativity.  I have always loved that word.  More than anything to me, it speaks of freedom.  I guess in a way I truly feel free when I am given the opportunity to create.  And more than anything, I love to create beauty.  Whether its, doing a lady's makeup for a special event, or organizing the bridal party before everyone walks down the isle, or preparing a wonderful meal for someone to enjoy, or making a beautiful trinket for someone to display in their home, I love to create (sometimes transform) beautiful things.  

Well I have rambled more than enough for one afternoon.  Besides...its almost time to go home.  

So I leave you with this that my friend, Krista McSweeney, posted on her Facebook page:

"live boldly, laugh loudly, love truly, play as often as you can" 

That is what I plan to spend the rest of the day doing... playing...and creating beauty while I do it.


free. to play. to create.